1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Display Advertising
  3. Mobile Marketing
  4. Search Engine Optimization
  5. Pay Per Click Marketing

For us I believe that social media marketing has to rank as the first channel that we use. THis will allow us to use preexisting social media pages that our company owns and target them towards our specific users, and target market, so that we can ensure that we are gaining the reach that we need to find users for our. Social media marketing will allow us to use Network advertising to go after the independent flyers that are more likely to use our app, gain a foothold advantage and ensure that we can capture their friends when they like our app after use.

The second channel that I believe we should use is to go through display advertising and do a strategic campaign that goes after a variety of likes from our target market. That way every time that our target market hits a website they see an advertisement for our app. While this may be cumbersome, the goal is to hit a large number of users within our target marketing and capture as many as we can.

I like the reach that mobile marketing provides for our third choice. Here we can target specific users on their mobile devices and get them to download our app straight away. We can also make personal ads through mobile marketing for further engagement and incentives for downloading our app.

Search Engine Optimization should be our last channel to use. Through dedicated market research and applying it to our target market I think we can come up with keywords to use for our app that we can use when potential users search online and drive them towards our website and our app.

For us as a company I really worry about the cost of pay per click marketing. I feel that the above mentioned channels are better for us in terms of reach than paying for a marketing strategy that might not work.